Science, technology & industry
Architecture & planning
Social sciences
Advertising & graphics
Sugoroku, kawaraban & posters
Art & design
Propaganda & good advice
Prints & maps
Fashion & fad
Reform & reaction
This is the third list devoted to Japan and its relationship with things western and I'm starting to feel like a veteran. Breathe easy, I will not embarrass us all with an expert discourse on the state of the market. If the gods grant me the attention span there may be another list next year; there's still a lot to find.
Japan is unique among the countries of the world faced with European expansion and empire building begun in the renaissance in having a literate and curious society and sophisticated publishing industry. And in scrupulously putting the whole business into word and picture. Admittedly it was often an iffy proposition but publish they did and when that made the authorities unhappy ways were found to keep information circulating.
Come Perry and his Black Ships the whole thing became a balancing act with a nation on the wire pulling in different directions. Japan must finally come to terms with the outside world and this was done with wild enthusiasm by some and black fury by others. The only thing agreed upon was that it should be on their own terms.
Who wins in the end, Japan or the west? This list might convince you that one or both sides maybe won or not.